Lots of classes added
I added a LOT of classes – some online and some in person!
I added a LOT of classes – some online and some in person!
I added some classes to the training page. A lot of classes are online only and all classes are subject to changes or cancellation so be sure to double check with the provider prior to the class.
I added some classes! It’s pretty sparse though. If you know of any STC classes in the Los Angeles and surrounding areas please let me know at boingo4@gmail.com. Thanks! Frank Watt
Due to covid-19, many classes in March and April have been cancelled. Make sure you check with the instructor/vendor before the date of the class to see if it is still on. Some classes are being offered online.
I added numerous new STC classes!!
If you hadn’t noticed I have added companies that offer STC training in the directory. Click the directory tab and then click “training” at the top of the directory and it will list them. You can go to their websites and find additional classes that are out of the area or are not STC certified.
The next meeting has been changed from Pasadena PD to Burbank PD.
I added numerous STC classes. I only list classes that are STC certified and are in the general area. If I missed any please let me know at frank.watt@redondo.org.
The quarterly jail meeting will be Thursday, August 15th at 1100 hours. The location has changed to Pasadena PD
I added numerous classes!